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Peyronie's Disease Treatment Atlanta

Happy couple after he recieved a treatment for his peyronie's disease in buckhead Atlanta.Peyronie's Disease treatment helps correct a painful medical condition where plaques form underneath the skin of the penis causing penile curvature. Not only is a man's penis a part of his sexual identity, it has a role in the urinary system and functions as the male sex organ. The visible signs of Peyronie's Disease are caused by the development of scar tissue, which can feel hard or lumpy. Most commonly, this buildup occurs on the top surface but can develop on all on sides.

Some men with a curved penis can comfortably engage in pain-free sex. However, for others, the pain can be so severe that sex is virtually impossible and not satisfying. Untreated, PD can cause physical and psychological problems that include performance anxiety, depression and negative self-image. Peyronie's Disease mostly targets middle-aged men but it can occur in men of all ages. In addition to the unnatural curvature, some patients complain of shrinkage or shortening of their penis due to PD.

Clearly, men experience Peyronie's disease in different ways, but the sooner you consult with a doctor who specializes in men's sexual health, the better you will understand your options for managing the disease. After all, sexual dysfunction not only impacts your sexual satisfaction but affects your partner's experience as well. The science behind GAINSWave™ Buckhead's shockwave therapy is well documented. Doctors around the globe have compiled clinical trials (EAU) utilizing pulsed accoustic waves and analyzed its effectiveness in hundreds of cases. As a Peyronie's Disease treatment, shockwave has demonstrated an ability to reduce the PD pain associated with sexual performance and can eliminate the plaque and scar tissue that causes Peyronie's Disease.

Symptoms of Peyronie's Disease

The noticeable signs of Peyronie's Disease are noticed by the curvature of the penis. Although the development of plaque commonly occurs along the top surface, penal curvature can develop on the underside or along the sides as well. So, the penis may bend up, down, or to either side. Frequently reported PD symptoms and complaints include:

  • Penile curvature
  • Lumps in the penis
  • Painful erections
  • Difficulty with intercourse
  • Bruising or swelling of penis
  • Flaccid or soft erections

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact us for Peyronie's Disease Treatment Atlanta.

It is generally believed that Peyronie's Disease cases are under reported due to embarrassment and lack of male sexual health education. However, the attention given male sex performance and enhancement in recent years has prompted more medical discussion about the disorder. Approximately 5 to 10 percent of men are believed to have Peyronie's Disease.

smiling after help for peyronie's disease in buckhead

Peyronie's Disease and Erectile Dysfunction

Peyronie's Disease is the result of plaque or scar tissue that buildups causing the penis to bend or curve at a noticeable angle. After the onset of PD, a man's erections are typically painful and may lead to a failed sexual experience with his partner. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, scientists are not sure why some men with Peyronie's Disease also suffer from erectile dysfunction, but suggest the following factors might be involved:

  • Plaques may weaken muscle tissue making it difficult for an erection to occur.
  • Buildup of scar tissue may impair the necessary blood flow needed.
  • Plaques may force blood out of the penal shaft causing a loss of erection.
  • Psychological issues and sexual anxiety may lead to erectile dysfunction.

Although every man's experience with Peyronie's Disease can differ, it is easy for muscle tissues and penile arteries impaired by pain to result in an incomplete blood flow or loss of constriction to keep the blood in place during an erection. Shockwave therapy helps to eliminate penal curvature by breaking up plaque and tissue buildup under the skin to improve blood flow.

Safer Peyronie's Disease Treatment Option

GAINSWave™ offers a safe, effective alternative for Peyronie's Disease treatment Atlanta. Pulsed acoustic waves help to eliminate penal curvature by breaking up plaque and tissue buildup under the skin to improve blood flow. Moreover, the noninvasive procedure is by far the safest form of male enhancement for treating PD when patients are unable to have intercourse because of the penis curvature or narrowing of the penis during an erection. Shockwave therapy destroys calcific plaque to improve blood flow and restore flexibility.

By utilizing pulsed acoustic waves to breakdown fibrous plaque, GAINSWave™ Buckhead offers a great alternative to previously recommended PD treatments and chemical options. Although not an exact cure for Peyronie's Disease, multiple studies have concluded that shockwave therapy utilizes a proven method as a lasting treatment option for restoring sexual function to an affected organ. Furthermore, the pulsed waves can effectively break up plaque deposits within the arterial walls for improved blood flow.

If you are considering Peyronie's Disease treatment options or want to consult with a men's sexual health specialist in Atlanta, GA, Contact GAINSWave™ Buckhead (your local authorized GAINSWave™ shockwave therapy provider) to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Earl Eye, an erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's Disease specialist.

I have a firmer, thicker penis and a much quicker erection.

— Allen G.

Fill out the form below to contact us or call us at (404) 400-4800 for pricing and more information about the revolutionary GAINSWAve treatment.

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